Employment Opportunities
Attorney Associates
We are seeking 2-3 thoughtful attorney associates with 2+ years' experience with a variety of business law and immigration issues for this firm. You must have excellent communication skills, be flexible in your work style, willing to learn, and ready to work hard on interesting cases. You must be a match to that level of business. We have a great office environment and wonderful clients.Legal Secretary/Paralegal
We are also looking for legal professionals with business and immigration experience and strong paralegal, legal secretarial, and/or other related experience. Interested candidates should have experience working in a fast-paced environment and have a track record of dependability and direct service contact.Competitive salaries and benefits offered.
Send resume with cover letter in confidence to
PO Box 1401, Las Vegas, NV 89125,
Fax (702) 451-2195 or E-mail to xhuang@lawhuang.com